Successfully retrieved AWS VPC Peering requests.
[- {
- "accountId": "string",
- "peeringRequests": [
- {
- "peerAwsAccountId": "123888456789",
- "peerSubnets": [
- "string"
], - "peerVpcId": "vpc-aabb1122",
- "id": "068c447e-8475-49b2-974b-ca1c91702ed4",
- "dataCentreVpcId": "123888456789",
- "peerRegion": "US_EAST_1",
- "cdcId": "aabc665c-8916-40ae-978c-96d39a3a1364"
Creates a new VPC Peering Connection request for the given AWS hosted Cluster Data Centre.
AWS VPC Peering request created.
{- "cdcId": "f3eab841-6952-430d-ba90-1bfc3f15da10",
- "peerAwsAccountId": "123456789123",
- "peerRegion": "US_EAST_1",
- "peerSubnets": [
- ""
], - "peerVpcId": "vpc-123abc456"
{- "cdcId": "f3eab841-6952-430d-ba90-1bfc3f15da10",
- "peerAwsAccountId": "123456789123",
- "peerRegion": "US_EAST_1",
- "peerSubnets": [
- ""
], - "peerVpcId": "vpc-123abc456"
Fetches the details for a given AWS VPC Peering Connection.
AWS VPC Peering Connection info retrieved.
VPC Peering Connection not found.
{- "cdcId": "f3eab841-6952-430d-ba90-1bfc3f15da10",
- "peerAwsAccountId": "123456789123",
- "peerRegion": "US_EAST_1",
- "peerSubnets": [
- ""
], - "peerVpcId": "vpc-123abc456"
AWS VPC Peering updated
VPC Peering Connection not found.
{- "peerSubnets": [
- "string"
{- "cdcId": "f3eab841-6952-430d-ba90-1bfc3f15da10",
- "peerAwsAccountId": "123456789123",
- "peerRegion": "US_EAST_1",
- "peerSubnets": [
- ""
], - "peerVpcId": "vpc-123abc456"
AWS VPC Peering request deleted
VPC Peering Connection not found.
{- "errors": [
- {
- "name": "string",
- "message": "string"