clientBrokerAuthWithMtls | boolean Enables Client ⇄ Broker Authentication with mTLS. |
defaultNumberOfPartitions required | integer Default number of partitions to use when created new topics. |
description | string A description of the cluster |
Array of objects (KafkaKarapaceRestProxyDetailsV2) <= 1 items Adds the specified version of Kafka Karapace REST Proxy to this Kafka cluster. | |
autoCreateTopics required | boolean Allows topics to be auto created by brokers when messages are published to a non-existent topic |
clientToClusterEncryption required | boolean Enables Client ⇄ Cluster Encryption. |
currentClusterOperationStatus | string (CurrentClusterOperationStatusV2) Indicates if the cluster is currently performing any restructuring operation such as being created or resized |
privateNetworkCluster required | boolean Creates the cluster with private network only, see Private Network Clusters. |
kafkaVersion required | string[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+ Version of Kafka to run on the cluster. Available versions:
bundledUseOnly | boolean Provision this cluster for Bundled Use only. |
Array of objects (ResizeSettingsV2) <= 1 items Settings to determine how resize requests will be performed for the cluster. | |
slaTier required | string (SlaTierV2) SLA Tier of the cluster. Non-production clusters may receive lower priority support and reduced SLAs. Production tier is not available when using Developer class nodes. See SLA Tier for more information. |
pciComplianceMode required | boolean Creates a PCI compliant cluster, see PCI Compliance. |
Array of objects (KafkaSchemaRegistryDetailsV2) <= 1 items Adds the specified version of Kafka Schema Registry to this Kafka cluster. | |
Array of objects (KafkaDedicatedKraftControllerSettingsV2) <= 1 items Provision additional dedicated nodes for KRaft Controllers. If this is not provided, some Kafka brokers will be required to act as KRaft controllers. | |
defaultReplicationFactor required | integer Default Replication factor to use for new topic. Also represents the number of racks to use when allocating nodes. |
Array of objects (TwoFactorDeleteSettingsV2) <= 1 items | |
allowDeleteTopics required | boolean Allows topics to be deleted via the kafka-topics tool |
Array of objects (KafkaKarapaceSchemaRegistryDetailsV2) <= 1 items Adds the specified version of Kafka Karapace Schema Registry to this Kafka cluster. | |
Array of objects (KafkaKraftSettingsV2) <= 1 items Create a collocated KRaft Cluster. Note that this is the default behaviour for Kafka clusters provisioned using Kafka 3.6.1 and later. Kafka clusters provisioned with earlier Kafka versions will use a collocated Zookeeper cluster instead. | |
Array of objects (KafkaRestProxyDetailsV2) <= 1 items Adds the specified version of Kafka REST Proxy to this Kafka cluster. | |
Array of objects (KafkaTieredStorageV2) <= 1 items Enable Tiered Storage for Kafka | |
Array of objects (KafkaCollocatedZookeeperSettingsV2) <= 1 items Create a Collocated Zookeeper Cluster - use this to create a collocated zookeeper based Kafka cluster for kafka versions >= 3.6.1. Note that collocated KRaft mode is the default mode for Kafka clusters using versions older than 3.6.1. Kafka 3.6.1 and later will use KRaft instead of Zookeeper unless this is specified. | |
required | Array of objects (KafkaDataCentreV2) = 1 items List of data centre settings. |
Array of objects (KafkaDedicatedZookeeperSettingsV2) <= 1 items Provision additional dedicated nodes for Apache Zookeeper to run on. Zookeeper nodes will be co-located with Kafka if this is not provided | |
name required | string [ 3 .. 48 ] characters [a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9_-]* Name of the cluster. |
Kafka Cluster provisioning requested.
{- "allowDeleteTopics": true,
- "autoCreateTopics": true,
- "clientToClusterEncryption": true,
- "dataCentres": [
- {
- "cloudProvider": "AWS_VPC",
- "name": "AWS_VPC_US_EAST_1",
- "network": "",
- "nodeSize": "KFK-PRD-r6g.large-250",
- "nodes": [
- {
- "id": "94c1ad54-c6f1-4f2e-8634-be9f5fb47fad",
- "nodeRoles": [
], - "nodeSize": "KFK-PRD-r6g.large-250",
- "privateAddress": "",
- "publicAddress": "",
- "rack": "us-east-1c",
- "startTime": "2024-10-03T00:58:27.587Z",
- "status": "RUNNING"
}, - {
- "id": "cc317853-be79-4100-898f-c12e4610a892",
- "nodeRoles": [
], - "nodeSize": "KFK-PRD-r6g.large-250",
- "privateAddress": "",
- "publicAddress": "",
- "rack": "us-east-1c",
- "startTime": "2024-10-03T00:58:27.587Z",
- "status": "RUNNING"
}, - {
- "id": "b401b5bb-8a6f-4aa7-99c4-12fe445941c3",
- "nodeRoles": [
], - "nodeSize": "KFK-PRD-r6g.large-250",
- "privateAddress": "",
- "publicAddress": "",
- "rack": "us-east-1c",
- "startTime": "2024-10-03T00:58:27.587Z",
- "status": "RUNNING"
], - "numberOfNodes": 3,
- "region": "US_EAST_1"
], - "dedicatedZookeeper": [
- {
- "zookeeperNodeCount": 3,
- "zookeeperNodeSize": "KDZ-PRD-m6g.large-80"
], - "defaultNumberOfPartitions": 3,
- "defaultReplicationFactor": 3,
- "kafkaVersion": "[x.y.z]",
- "name": "MyKafkaCluster",
- "pciComplianceMode": false,
- "privateNetworkCluster": false,
- "slaTier": "PRODUCTION"
{- "allowDeleteTopics": true,
- "autoCreateTopics": true,
- "clientToClusterEncryption": true,
- "dataCentres": [
- {
- "cloudProvider": "AWS_VPC",
- "name": "AWS_VPC_US_EAST_1",
- "network": "",
- "nodeSize": "KFK-PRD-r6g.large-250",
- "nodes": [
- {
- "id": "94c1ad54-c6f1-4f2e-8634-be9f5fb47fad",
- "nodeRoles": [
], - "nodeSize": "KFK-PRD-r6g.large-250",
- "privateAddress": "",
- "publicAddress": "",
- "rack": "us-east-1c",
- "startTime": "2024-10-03T00:58:27.587Z",
- "status": "RUNNING"
}, - {
- "id": "cc317853-be79-4100-898f-c12e4610a892",
- "nodeRoles": [
], - "nodeSize": "KFK-PRD-r6g.large-250",
- "privateAddress": "",
- "publicAddress": "",
- "rack": "us-east-1c",
- "startTime": "2024-10-03T00:58:27.587Z",
- "status": "RUNNING"
}, - {
- "id": "b401b5bb-8a6f-4aa7-99c4-12fe445941c3",
- "nodeRoles": [
], - "nodeSize": "KFK-PRD-r6g.large-250",
- "privateAddress": "",
- "publicAddress": "",
- "rack": "us-east-1c",
- "startTime": "2024-10-03T00:58:27.587Z",
- "status": "RUNNING"
], - "numberOfNodes": 3,
- "region": "US_EAST_1"
], - "dedicatedZookeeper": [
- {
- "zookeeperNodeCount": 3,
- "zookeeperNodeSize": "KDZ-PRD-m6g.large-80"
], - "defaultNumberOfPartitions": 3,
- "defaultReplicationFactor": 3,
- "kafkaVersion": "[x.y.z]",
- "name": "MyKafkaCluster",
- "pciComplianceMode": false,
- "privateNetworkCluster": false,
- "slaTier": "PRODUCTION"
Kafka cluster details retrieved.
{- "allowDeleteTopics": true,
- "autoCreateTopics": true,
- "clientToClusterEncryption": true,
- "dataCentres": [
- {
- "cloudProvider": "AWS_VPC",
- "name": "AWS_VPC_US_EAST_1",
- "network": "",
- "nodeSize": "KFK-PRD-r6g.large-250",
- "nodes": [
- {
- "id": "94c1ad54-c6f1-4f2e-8634-be9f5fb47fad",
- "nodeRoles": [
], - "nodeSize": "KFK-PRD-r6g.large-250",
- "privateAddress": "",
- "publicAddress": "",
- "rack": "us-east-1c",
- "startTime": "2024-10-03T00:58:27.587Z",
- "status": "RUNNING"
}, - {
- "id": "cc317853-be79-4100-898f-c12e4610a892",
- "nodeRoles": [
], - "nodeSize": "KFK-PRD-r6g.large-250",
- "privateAddress": "",
- "publicAddress": "",
- "rack": "us-east-1c",
- "startTime": "2024-10-03T00:58:27.587Z",
- "status": "RUNNING"
}, - {
- "id": "b401b5bb-8a6f-4aa7-99c4-12fe445941c3",
- "nodeRoles": [
], - "nodeSize": "KFK-PRD-r6g.large-250",
- "privateAddress": "",
- "publicAddress": "",
- "rack": "us-east-1c",
- "startTime": "2024-10-03T00:58:27.587Z",
- "status": "RUNNING"
], - "numberOfNodes": 3,
- "region": "US_EAST_1"
], - "dedicatedZookeeper": [
- {
- "zookeeperNodeCount": 3,
- "zookeeperNodeSize": "KDZ-PRD-m6g.large-80"
], - "defaultNumberOfPartitions": 3,
- "defaultReplicationFactor": 3,
- "kafkaVersion": "[x.y.z]",
- "name": "MyKafkaCluster",
- "pciComplianceMode": false,
- "privateNetworkCluster": false,
- "slaTier": "PRODUCTION"
Kafka cluster update request accepted.
Kafka cluster not found
{- "tieredStorage": "",
- "dataCentres": [
- {
- "awsSettings": [
- {
- "ebsEncryptionKey": "9a27373a-0451-4121-94ba-873fc441f313",
- "customVirtualNetworkId": "string"
], - "numberOfNodes": 6,
- "additionalListeners": [
- {
- "protocol": "SASL_SSL",
- "types": [
], - "privateLink": [
- {
- "advertisedHostname": "string"
], - "customSubjectAlternativeNames": "[\"\", \"\"]",
- "network": "",
- "tags": [
- {
- "value": "myTagValue",
- "key": "myTagKey"
], - "gcpSettings": [
- {
- "customVirtualNetworkId": "string"
], - "nodeSize": "KFK-DEV-t4g.small-5",
- "zeroInboundAccessGateway": "7f754988-962d-40b9-8832-d453d82c5826",
- "cloudProvider": "AWS_VPC",
- "azureSettings": [
- {
- "resourceGroup": "string",
- "customVirtualNetworkId": "/subscriptions/{subscription-id}/resourceGroups/{resource-group-name}/providers/Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworks/{virtual-network-name}",
- "storageNetwork": ""
], - "name": "US_EAST_1_DC",
- "region": "US_EAST_1",
- "privateLink": [
- {
- "advertisedHostname": ""
], - "providerAccountName": "string"
], - "dedicatedKraftController": [
- {
- "controllerNodeSize": "KDR-DEV-t4g.small-30"
], - "dedicatedZookeeper": [
- {
- "zookeeperNodeSize": "KDZ-DEV-t4g.small-30"
], - "description": "Cluster managed by the integration team.",
- "twoFactorDelete": [
- {
- "confirmationPhoneNumber": "string",
- "confirmationEmail": "string"
], - "resizeSettings": [
- {
- "notifySupportContacts": true,
- "concurrency": 0
{- "allowDeleteTopics": true,
- "autoCreateTopics": true,
- "clientToClusterEncryption": true,
- "dataCentres": [
- {
- "cloudProvider": "AWS_VPC",
- "name": "AWS_VPC_US_EAST_1",
- "network": "",
- "nodeSize": "KFK-PRD-r6g.large-250",
- "nodes": [
- {
- "id": "94c1ad54-c6f1-4f2e-8634-be9f5fb47fad",
- "nodeRoles": [
], - "nodeSize": "KFK-PRD-r6g.large-250",
- "privateAddress": "",
- "publicAddress": "",
- "rack": "us-east-1c",
- "startTime": "2024-10-03T00:58:27.587Z",
- "status": "RUNNING"
}, - {
- "id": "cc317853-be79-4100-898f-c12e4610a892",
- "nodeRoles": [
], - "nodeSize": "KFK-PRD-r6g.large-250",
- "privateAddress": "",
- "publicAddress": "",
- "rack": "us-east-1c",
- "startTime": "2024-10-03T00:58:27.587Z",
- "status": "RUNNING"
}, - {
- "id": "b401b5bb-8a6f-4aa7-99c4-12fe445941c3",
- "nodeRoles": [
], - "nodeSize": "KFK-PRD-r6g.large-250",
- "privateAddress": "",
- "publicAddress": "",
- "rack": "us-east-1c",
- "startTime": "2024-10-03T00:58:27.587Z",
- "status": "RUNNING"
], - "numberOfNodes": 3,
- "region": "US_EAST_1"
], - "dedicatedZookeeper": [
- {
- "zookeeperNodeCount": 3,
- "zookeeperNodeSize": "KDZ-PRD-m6g.large-80"
], - "defaultNumberOfPartitions": 3,
- "defaultReplicationFactor": 3,
- "kafkaVersion": "[x.y.z]",
- "name": "MyKafkaCluster",
- "pciComplianceMode": false,
- "privateNetworkCluster": false,
- "slaTier": "PRODUCTION"